The Best Splatoon Sniper of the system... This page is subject to change many times.

Check out my poetry, and this cool knife I found.

Isn't she a pretty knife? I could have used something like that in my past life I think. To be frank I have many regrets in that life... and the biggest is not taking you down with me. You may be dedicated to making my life a living hell, but I can make you suffer too.

Knife Guy! A protector in his own special way! Watch it spill its heart over this page, then pretend that is not at all what they're doing.

If you are trying to guess his source, please stop. He is trying to be private about such an affair. If you know who he is, then you simply know! He was forced to draw Gur when he was 13 days old.

And what a terrible way to find out it was admiration.

Feeling the metal strike my heart,

my vision starting to blur.

As I stare at his face,

I realise I had been falling all this time.

The strings, the obsession,

the devotion, the desire to take him down,

it was some sick twisted fondness I had...


I hit the ground.

Painting my nails and I cover the blood red with a pearlescent orange to make a beautiful new pink,

and I'm devastated that such a simple act can hold so much power over me.

You can see the blood on my nailbed,

the color cannot be taken away,

but I'll keep painting over it.

I'll keep painting over it and ignoring it.

I'll run my thumb over the dry polish,

because it is smooth and nice,

and I will slowly peel away the red still on my cuticles.

But I'll know its there.

I'll know I didnt want this pink.

I'll know I wanted something less reminiscent of flesh,

and closer to the skin of fruit.

But I am barred this sweetness once more.

At least its pretty.

fixed your code gayboy -gun

irrelevant now that i've entirely reformatted my page. dickhead. -kg

Idk what to use this space for.


This page was made using a template by sadgrl. You can find it here