Hello! My name is Flick and I love to cook!

I would like to leave little reviews of my fellow headmates based on how I think they would taste :-)

This is a very normal activity that is definitely approved of by my friends! o^_^o

Myself! Hehehe:

You know, I haven't quite gotten to thinking about how I myself would taste...

Kevin (Mirror Pronouns):

Energy drink spaghetti! Primarily composed of yellow gummy worms/snakes/what have you! Um but the gummy worms are probably very alive... Sour, sweet, sometimes you bite into a literal real centipede (COOKED)(ITD BE A COOKED CENTIPEDE) which would taste similar to shrimp or fish with hints of grass (I really want to try it)! Kevin is hazardous to eat for very many reasons, considering she is in reality (well, headspace reality,) composed entirely of centipedes... I don't think he'd let you cook him... But also don't eat energy drink spaghetti. It isnt worth it. Please remember to eat things that are... not actively a hazard to you...

Corvid (He/Him but he doesn't mind):

Dark chocolate with... blueberries...? A mousse of some kind I think... Very rich in flavor! Unclear if the blueberry part is a sauce of some kind or a different layer of mousse... Basically: He has a bitter profile and a sweet one! They meld together into something quite mellowed out... He can be quite nice when he wants to be, can't he? In reality, he is a shadow so he doesn't have anything physical to eat... Perhaps I could try to take a bite from him in my mind if I get possessed again?? I get the immense feeling it will taste like pen ink if I try to eat him like that...

The Gunner (He/She/They):

Something with peanut butter? Peanut brittle? Maybe in some ice cream... Coffee and matcha flavored? Bitter and sweet and salty. Gosh, we'd be really allergic to him... that's so sad because wow this sounds so yummy. I would fight through it. Frankly, something simple like 2 scoops of ice cream garnished with peanut brittle seems exactly like the comforting dessert he should be. Also, she seems fucking delicious. Genuinely craving this. I have the worst synesthesia. FUCK. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.

Knife Guy (He/It/They):

Absolutely marmalade. Jaffa cakes. Sweet citrus o^_^o Honestly leaning towards jaffa cakes, the chocolate adds. I also just really want jaffa cakes. But yeah definitely citrus, maybe a different citrus for each version??? Grapefruit, orange and blood orange in that order...? Grapefruit jaffa cake... Grapefruit marmalade in general... These sound so nice... Gosh it's too late to be thinking about this I'm soooo hungry...

Jay (He/She/Baa/They)(MERGED ALTER) (SAD!):

Lamb. Medium rare, with rosemary. That and beef jerky, the good stuff. Something Meaty for someone holding some bad memories. Medium rare is important for the blood factor. Ummm... One of us had a dream about eating him once! That sure was a dream. She was fucking yummy.
