Welcome to our humble abode! Remember to do your daily click!
Hi, our name is Neil (Our collective pronouns are He/It/She)! You may also call us the Cardiovascular System! We are 20 years old and plural. This site is for funsiess.. You probably found us from our tumblr! When tumblr finally implodes you'll probably find us updating this way more.
This site was made using sadgrl's layout maker!
Please keep an eye on our site for updates! Here's some things we want to add/are actively adding to our site in the future!:
- Home page with links to pages about our special interests
Interactive thingsHAS BEEN IMPLEMENTED!!!- Splatterday News: a fake news page with fake articles based on an au a friend of mine is making based on our real life friends! it wil focus on the fictionalised celebrity life we've established (as well as some stuff about agent 4)! we have two alters who are itching to have a workplace rivalry about this ...
A page for (some of) our alters??? They love being themselves it'd be nice to give some people a little block to play with...Has been started!
DNIs are stupid. My views on proship discourse are I don't care as long as it is easily filtered and children are not actively encouraged to engage with it.